Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.ADMISSION NUMBER *PLEASE WRITE YOUR ADMISSION NUMBERLEVEL OF CERTIFICATION *ASSOCIATE BACHELORPlease select the level you are currently studying in CLICUCOURSE *THEOLOGY PROPER – 222Please select your course of studySECTION A– ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 1 The word THEOLOGY comes how many Greek wordsa. twob. threec. oned. none2. ____ is the knowledge of God while religion represents activities through which men are bound to God a. Religionb. theologyc. Christianityd. none3. Dogma is _____ statement or interpretation of God’s truth.a. godsb. Godc. mand. holy spirit4. Many believe God exist how far is that true a. not sue yetb. sure He existhe doesn’td. it hasn’t been proven yet5. The following are key views concerning God expecta. Atheismb. Deismc. Agnosticismd. none of the above6. Theism meansa. There is a God and He is involved in the affairs of Hisb. There is no Godc. There are two equal and opposite forces or a good God and an evil God.d. is one true God Who exists in three7. ________ is the field of study concerned with the defense of the faith faith a. evidentiaryb. schoolsc. theologyd. Apologetics8. The Bible does not set out to prove God’s existence. How true is this a. very sureb. just a mythc. it’s a lied. not sure9. Since humans exist with intellectual self-awareness and a moral nature, there must be a Creator who also has these qualities. a. trueb. faultc. maybed. not sure10. God is a Spirit Being, not a physical (material) Being this can be back up with the following bible verses expect a. Jn 4:24b, Lk 24:39c. II Tim 1:17d. Jn 1:1811. The following are the function of Pastoral care expect from a. physical care b. spiritual supportb, Lk 24:39c. II Tim 1:17d. none of the above12. As a Christian and a theologian we believe that there is only one God which this called according toa. infinityb. limitlessc. unityd. testament13. The word “Trinity” is not found in Scripture how true is this a. trueb. falsec. maybed. testament14. ______’s attributes are those essential qualities or characteristics that make ______ Who He is. A. godb. Godc. holy spiritd. testament15. One of the following is an attribute of God a, eternityb. Omnisciencec. freedomd.none of the above16. “His name shall endure for ever: his name shall be continued as long as the sun: and men shall be blessed in him: all nations shall call him blessed” where can it be found in the biblea. Ps 72:17b, I Chron 29:13c. Mal 1:11d. Exo 20:717. The most general name or title for God is what a. ELb. ADONAIC. JEHOVAHd. YAHWEH18. The following are scripture related to what Gen. 1:1, John 1:1, Heb. 1:1 a. wisdomb. theologyc. educationd. Christianity19. Theology and religion are the same hoe true is this a. trueb. 4 falsec. not sured. ask anyone20. ______ is man’s statement or interpretation of God’s truth. a. dogmab. doctrinec. religiond. theologySECTION B – THEORY – Answer THREE (3) Questions. QUESTION 1 IS COMPULSORY1. In your own understanding explain what is Theology means. b. What is Religion c. What is Theology. d. Theology and Religion are interconnected fields of study focusing on the divine and belief and so on but they aren’t the same explain? e. Explain what Doctrine means to you.2. Explain the existence of God. b. State five key views on the existence of God 3. State five function of Pastoral care and explain it 4. Explain five attribute of God that you know5. Mention five World’s Philosophy About God’s Existence Email *Attestation *Please tickI ATTEST THAT THE ABOVE QUESTIONS WERE DULY ANSWERED BY ME AND I SHOULD BE SCORED BASED ON THE ANSWERS PROVIDED.SUBMIT