About Us

Chosen Life Christian University (CLICU) seeks to graduate culturally intelligent leaders who are prepared to serve Christ in Church and society in an increasingly complex global marketplace. The opportunity to pursue an education in a cross-cultural context presents students with a unique learning experience that ties curriculum content to practical life experiences and fosters a sense of cultural awareness and partnership in God’s work around the world.

Chosen Life Christian University (CLICU) is accredited by  Global Accrediting Network. She is a registered member of Global Affiliate for Christian Schools (GACS) Int’l Network.  CLICU is in partnership with Digital Initiative for Global Schools (DIGAS). She is an affiliate of International Forum for Christian Chaplaincy Institutions and International Institute of Christian Theologians, Scholars and Professionals.

CLICU seeks to develop passionate servants of Jesus Christ by personally educating students in an educational program which emphasizes the integration of biblical truth, ministry experience, and character transformation. This emphasis pervades the entire campus as the Institution strives to cultivate a caring learning community where Jesus Christ is exalted and students are equipped for serving the needs of church and society.

Chosen Life Christian University expects all students to achieve outcomes in the following four domains:


Students will increase their knowledge of God’s Word and grasp God’s general revelation through creation which leads to a broad understanding of humanity.

  • Increase Knowledge of God’s Word
  • Understand Humanity
  • Critical and Creative Thinking
  • Knowledge Acquisition


Students will be people of strong character who are able to apply God’s Word to their lives from the foundation of a Christian worldview.

  • Applying the Word of God to Life
  • Christian Worldview
  • Ethical Behavior
  • Proper Relationships


Students will develop the skills needed for living and working in the world.

  • Communication Skills
  • Working With Others
  • Life Skills


Students will develop a heart of compassion and concern for others demonstrated through service to church and society.

  • Concern for Others
  • Serving Others
  • Cultural Intelligence
  • Leadership


To be a vibrant Biblical University exalting Jesus Christ, preparing culturally intelligent students for diverse careers in the global marketplace.


Graduating Godly Individuals Prepared to Serve Christ in Church and Society.


Bible Centered
Grace Theology
Ministry Focused
Digitally Competent
Technologically driven
Transformational Relationships

Our story

Chosen Life began in 2013. It was founded as Life Development and Leadership Institute, a training center for laymen and Sunday school teachers of Chosen People Assembly. The Institute was organized by Professor Olumuyiwa Samuel, Pastor of Chosen People Assembly. This move was stimulated by a group of evangelical pastors who are concerned about advancing a dispensation theology approach to the Bible, the distinctive character of the revelation given to the Apostle Paul, and the preparation of full-time Christian workers to fulfill this goal.

In 2020, the institution sought for government approval and was registered with Federal Republic of Nigeria through Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) as Chosen Life Seminary with Reg. No. 3247082.   

In 2021, Chosen Life began an online education program offering working adults an opportunity to study one night a week or exclusively online and earn Diploma, Associate or Bachelor Degree. The Beyond the 4-Wall Campaign has turned to be a blessing to the Seminary because it now has ability to enroll more students and service more working ministers without any stress.

In July, 2021, Chosen Life sought for accreditation approval with Global Accrediting Network – an accreditation for Christian higher learning institutes.  This has added more values to the seminary and has contributed greatly to the acceptability by the Christian community.

In August, 2021, the Board of Regents of the Seminary unanimously voted to change the name of the Institution to Chosen Life Christian University. This change officially took place on August 29, 2021. Chosen Life Christian University reflects the expansion and excellence of the institution’s programs of study while also showing the commitment to our valuable past. The study of the Bible remains a core value, and a significant portion of all degree programs. Vocational ministry also continues to be an institutional priority as well. 

In all, the introduction of Digital Skills which is a compulsory course for all our students has stood us out from the rest Christian higher learning institutions.  Our graduands are proud of being digitally-skilled with certification which is in line with global educational system. The University is now fully in partnership with PlusAfri Global Network through Digital Initiative for Global Schools (DIGAS).

Praise God there are tens/hundreds of Chosen Life Alumni serving the Lord with great impact in various vocational settings around the world today!