Post Doctorate Degree
Chosen Life Christian University offers interest candidates opportunity to further their research and earn post doctorate certificate within the stipulated period.
The qualification after a Doctorate Degree is a Post Doctorate Degree. Any person who has a Doctorate Degree can apply to do post-doctoral research by Distance/Online mode for a period of one year. At the completion of the study the post-doctoral researcher will be awarded a Post Doctorate Degree.
This program is designed for participants to conduct an in-depth research in their area of study. The Post-Doctoral thesis must contribute to the existing body of knowledge and must be passed by external examiners. Part of the thesis must also be accepted for publication as an article in a refereed journal or conference at the end of the student’s candidacy.
Applications to commence post-doctoral research can be made at anytime of the year. Once accepted, students must pass the compulsory unit PRGM 8000 Post-Graduate Research Methods and Analysis prior to conducting their research. Students and Supervisor’s will communicate via email.
Prospective candidates shall apply for a Post-doctorate degree program. The application shall include the proposed topic of the study. If accepted, the candidate will enroll for the Program. Applicants should note that a Post-Doctorate Degree dissertation must contribute to the existing body of knowledge.
Each candidate will be supervised by at least one supervisor appointed by CLICU. If two supervisors are appointed, one of the supervisors will be designated as the Principal supervisor and the second will the Associate supervisor. Each supervisor must be appointed by CLICU and must report to CLICU.
Excluding periods of deferment and leave of absence granted by the Doctorate Research Committee, candidates usually at least one year to complete the Post Doctorate Degree. If after 6 months a candidate has not yet submitted his or her dissertation for examination, the candidate status as a student may be terminated unless there are good reasons for not meeting the submission deadline. If a Post-Doctorate degree candidate is transferring from another institution to CLICU, the period of time spent in the other institution prior to transferring to CLICU may reduce the period fo time required for the submission of dissertation. However, candidates should bear in mind that CLICU is interested in the quality of the dissertation not the period of time spent on the dissertation. The dissertation must contribute to the body of knowledge.
As soon as CLICU receives notice from a candidate of his or her intention to submit a dissertation, CLICU shall appoint two examiners.
The dissertation examination process at CLICU is divided into the following two important parts.
Part 1: INTERNAL EXAMINATION OF THE DISSERTATION: When the dissertation is submitted to CLICU, CLICU will appoint 2 of its own professors to examine the dissertation and make recommendation as to whether or not the dissertation should:
Be accepted without modifications, or
Be accepted with some modifications, or
Be accepted with major modifications, or
Be rejected and classified as failed.
NOTE: If the result of the examinations is not satisfactory to the candidate, the candidate may request for the dissertation to be re-examined by another two internal examiners.
Part 2: EXTERNAL EXAMINATION OF THE DISSERTATION IN TERMS OF ITS SUITABILITY FOR PUBLICATION: If in Part A, the dissertation is accepted for the post-doctorate degree, the next final Stage in examining the worth of the doctorate study is to have at least one paper from the findings of the study accepted for publication in refereed conference proceedings, or refereed journals, or book chapters in refereed research books.
If the above requirement has not been met, the candidate will be advised to consult his or her supervisor and discuss when and how to fulfill this requirement. This means that qualifications will not be issued until this requirement in Part 2 of the doctorate degree examination has been met. This is absolutely essential because it will allow an external assessment of the worth of the study in terms of its contribution to knowledge and will also enable some of the findings of study to be made available to the public.
If at least 3 refereed papers from the dissertation are accepted for publication in refereed journals or refereed conference proceedings, the dissertation may be awarded with distinction. However, the publication must occur either during candidature and or within 12 months of submission of the dissertation for examination.
As soon as the candidate fulfills the above examination requirements it shall be recommended by the Academic Board to the Senate Council that the candidate is qualified to be admitted to the degree of Post Doctorate degree that the dissertation was examined for. A copy of the recommendation shall be forwarded to the candidate.