Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.MATRIC NUMBER *PLEASE WRITE YOUR MATRICULATION NUMBERLEVEL OF CERTIFICATION *AssociateBachelorPlease select the level you are currently studying in CLICUCOURSE *THE MINISTRY OF HOLY SPIRIT – MHS227Please select your course of studySECTION A: OBJECTIVEPLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS1. Who is the third person of the Godhead? a. Jesus Christb. God the Fatherc. The Holy Spiritd. The Angels2. What is the Holy Spirit referred to in John 14:16-17?a. A feelingb. Comforterc. A thingd. An object3. Which of these is NOT a characteristic of the Holy Spirit?a. He speaksb. He gives lifec. He can be grieved d. He has no emotionsd. He has no emotions4. In Genesis 1:2, the Holy Spirit is depicted as: a. A burning fireb. Hovering over the watersc. A doved. A rushing wind5. What is the official office of the Holy Spirit, as stated in Acts 9:31? a. Teacherb. Comforterc. Judged. Creator6. According to 1 Corinthians 12:11, the Holy Spirit: a. Is omnipotentb. Has His own willc. Is passived. Is inactive7. What is the main role of the Holy Spirit in John 14:26?a. To comfortb. To glorify believersc. To teach all thingsd. To judge8. Which of these is a fruit of the Spirit?a. Knowledgeb. Peacec. Healingd. Prophecy9. According to Galatians 5:22-23, the fruit of the Spirit is: a. Loveb. Joyc. Patienced. All of the above10. What symbolizes the Holy Spirit in John 7:37-39? a. Fireb. Waterc. Windd. Oil11. Which spiritual gift is defined as the ability to understand and distinguish spirits?a. Word of Wisdomb. Prophecyc. Discerning of Spiritsd. Faith12. The Holy Spirit is described as omnipresent in which scripture? a. Psalm 139:7-8b. Genesis 1:2c. Acts 2:3d. Matthew 28:1913. Which scripture associates the Holy Spirit with the creation of life? a. Genesis 1:2b. Job 33:4c. Both a and bd. None of the above14. What empowers believers to live holy lives according to Romans 8:26-27? a. Their willpowerb. The Holy Spiritc. The church leadersd. Angels15. The gift of tongues is described as:a. Speaking in earthly languages unknown to the speakerb. Singing spiritual hymnsc. Speaking in an angelic voiced. Preaching16. The Holy Spirit’s work of regeneration is explained in: a. John 3:3-8b. Acts 2:1-4c. Psalm 23:5d. Romans 8:1117. Which symbol of the Holy Spirit signifies gentleness and meekness? a. Doveb. Firec. Windd. Rain18. How many gifts of the Holy Spirit are listed in 1 Corinthians 12:7-11? a. 7b. 9c. 12d. 1019. What is required for the Holy Spirit to effectively work in believers? a. Fasting and prayerb. Complete surrender to Christc. Personal effortd. None of the above20. The Holy Spirit helps believers overcome the lusts of the flesh, as stated in:a. Galatians 5:16-17b. Romans 8:26-27c. Psalm 51:11d. 1 Corinthians 3:16SECTION B – THEORYAnswer question #1 and TWO from the others. ((Answer just THREE questions from this section – Question ONE is compulsory)1. Explain the role of the Holy Spirit in creation and regeneration, with reference to Genesis 1:2 and John 3:3-8. 2. Discuss the relationship between the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. Why is the fruit considered foundational to the gifts?3. Outline the symbolic representations of the Holy Spirit (e.g., water, fire, wind) and their significance in the believer's life.4. How does the Holy Spirit help believers in their prayer life, as highlighted in Romans 8:26-27?5. Compare and contrast the roles of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament and the New Testament.Email *Attestation *Please tickI ATTEST THAT THE ABOVE QUESTIONS WERE DULY ANSWERED BY ME AND I SHOULD BE SCORED BASED ON THE ANSWERS PROVIDED.SUBMIT