Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.ADMISSION NUMBER *PLEASE WRITE YOUR ADMISSION NUMBERLEVEL OF CERTIFICATION *Associate BachelorPlease select the level you are currently studying in CLICUCOURSE *HOMILETICS – HOM233Please select your course of studySECTION A: OBJECTIVEPLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS1. ____________is the study of the theory and practice of preaching(a). Homilitics(b). Homiletics(c). Homelitics2. _______________is the art of transferring the word of God hot from the heart of the preacher to the hearer.(a). Political Preaching(b). Philosophical Preaching(c). Biblical Preaching3. _______________ is the method by which God has chosen to bring His Word to mankind(a). Punctuality(b). Power(c). Preaching4. “church” can also be regarded as a building or cathedral(a). Yes of course(b). No of course(c). Both of course5. One of these is a type of Sermon preparation(a). Sermon Outline(b). Sermon Message(c) Sermon Action6. You capture your audience in preaching you when __________________(a). Tell a story(b). Tell a sorry(c). Tell a mandate7. A good sermon comprises the following(a). Story telling, sorry telling and mandate telling(b). Introduction, Body and Conclusion(c). Message Message, Current Message and Powerful Massage8. It is always good to make a listing in your sermon with biblical verse(a). True(b). False9. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit is found in .(a). Mark 35:12(b). James 1:9(c) Matthew 28:1910. Evangelism does little in church growth in today's church(a). False(b). Faalsehood(c). FalsliueSECTION B – THEORY: Answer THREE (3) Questions onlyAnswer question ONE and three from the rest three questions. ((Answer just TWO questions from this section – Question 1 is compulsory)1. What do you understand by the word Homiletics and Preaching.2. What is the importance of Preaching?3. What are the requirements and some assumptions of the Ministry of Preaching?4. Mention and explain the Etymological concept about preaching.5. Mention Types of Sermons with examples.Email *Attestation *Please tickI ATTEST THAT THE ABOVE QUESTIONS WERE DULY ANSWERED BY ME AND I SHOULD BE SCORED BASED ON THE ANSWERS PROVIDED.SUBMIT