Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.MATRIC NUMBER *PLEASE WRITE YOUR ADMISSION NUMBERLEVEL OF CERTIFICATION *MasterCOURSE *EVANGELISM AND FOREIGN MISSION – EFM756Please select your course of studySECTION A–MULTIPLE QUESTIONPLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS 1. Another name for evangelism is (a).Go ye Commandant(b).Go ye Command(c)..Go ye Commend2. Evangelism and —————-go together(a). Leadership(b). Discipleship(c). Relationship3. —————-the study of winning souls for Christ(a). Emancipation(b). Evacuation(c). Evangelism4. Foreign mission is evangelism in a far away location(a). TRUE(b). FALSE(c) . ALL OF THE ABOVE(c) . NONE OF THE ABOVE5. The best way to reach Generation Z on internet is (a). Social Study(b). Social Media(c) . Sociology Medium(c) . None of the Above6. The best way to grow your church is through effective__________________(a). Traveling of Ministers(b). Distributing Gifts(c) Evangelism(c) . Marriage Counseling7. —————-says: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age(a). Matthew 20:18-20(b). Matthew 25:18-20(c). Matthew 22:18-20(d). Matthew 28:18-208. —————-is the Apostle who discipled Bishop Timothy(a). Apostle Jesus(b). Apostle James(c). Apostle Paul(d). Apostle Jackson9. The Samaritan woman is good in evangelism(a). Yes(b). No(c). No Idea(d). All Idea 10. The combination of the following social handles are good for modern evangelism(a). Telegram, Instagram, WhatsAppp(b). Television, YouTube, Discipleship(c). Telegram, Google, WhatsAppp(d). YouTube, Instagram, WhatsAppp 11. Matthew 28:18-20 has been tagged(a). Holy Spirit Command(b). Go-Ye Command(c). Global Command(d). Evangelism Command 12. Next to evangelism is _____________________(a). Apostleship(b). Discipleship(c). Leadership(d). Folowership 13. Group evangelism is done by at least __________person(a). 15(b). 11(c). 2(d). 31 14. Personal evangelism is done by ___________________ person(a). 5(b). 1(c). 2(d). 3 15. —————-is the Apostle who the book of Revelation(a). Apostle John(b). Apostle Paul(c). Apost;e James(d). Apostle Peter16. Jesus appointed ________________________ Apostles(a). 11(b). 13(c). 12(d). 10 17. —————-is the Apostle who preached on the Pentecost Day(a). Apostle Smith Wigglesworth(b). Apostle Paul(c). Apost;e James(d). Apostle Peter18. The following is the best combination of evangelism-(a). Revival and Outreach(b). Seminar and discipleship(c). Indoor and Preaching19. Online evangelism has more result than physical evangelism(a). TRUE(b). FALSE.20. Jesus told his disciples to minister in Samaria, Judea, Jerusalem and other parts of the world in (a). Luke 1:18(b). John 3L16(c).Acts 1:8SECTION B – THEORY SECTION B – THEORY – Answer question ONE and any other TWO questions Question #1 is COMPULSORY. 1. Name 5 things that moved Jesus to evangelism2. Evangelism is a command by our Lord Jesus Christ. Explain3. Differentiate between Evangelism and Foreign missions with biblical references. (4) Name 10 reasons why you must be an evangelist5. The best way to grow local assembly is through evangelism. DiscussEmail *Attestation *Please tickI ATTEST THAT THE ABOVE QUESTIONS WERE DULY ANSWERED BY ME AND I SHOULD BE SCORED BASED ON THE ANSWERS PROVIDED.SUBMIT