Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.MATRIC NUMBER *PLEASE WRITE YOUR MATRIC NUMBERLEVEL OF CERTIFICATION *BachelorPlease select the level you are currently studying in CLICUCOURSE *ESCHATOLOGY – EST108Please select your course of studySECTION A: OBJECTIVEPLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS1. The Conservative interpreters are divided into four divisions:(a) postmillennial, amillennial; and dispensational premillennial(b) proposemillennial, amillennial; and dispensational postmillennial(c) postmillennial, mamillennial; and disposable premillennial2. Faithfulness Brings _______________ a) sadness(b) reward(c) assurance3. The church of Ephesus is an a) agnostic churchb) apostolic church(c) King Solomon4. The church of Smyrna is an_____________a) pragmanostic churchb) revival churchc) persecuted church 5. The church of Pergamos is a___________(a) state church) apostolic churchc) celebrated church6. The church of Thyatira is a___________ (a) state churchb) papal churchc) pope church7. The church of Sardis is a__________ a) local churchb) international churchc) reformation church8. The church of Philadelphia is a___________a) indigenous churchb) evangelistic churchc) reformation church9. The church of Laodicea is a___________a) Idaosha churchb) apostate churchc) inconclusive church10. Evangelism is a command by our Lord Jesus Christ to bring lost souls into the kingdom of the devil(a) True(b) False(c) None of the above11. Eschatology means_______________________a) events of the last daysb) events of the past daysc) events of the present days12. The following book talks more about the future events a) Genesisb) Malachic) Revelation13. Do you want Jesus to come back again a) How Comeb) Don’t Comec) Please Come 14. The following two books talk extensively about the future events a) Daniel and Revelationb) 1st Samuel and 2nd Corinthiansc) Jude and Philemon15. Jesus says: “I am coming______________ a) later(b) Nob) latelyc) soon16. Seven churches mentioned in the book of revelation are a) Ephesus, Corinth, Galatia, Jerusalem, Samaria, Judea, Urb) Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea(c) Passive incomec)Ephesus, Laodicea, Samaria, Philadelphia, Pergamos, Thyatira, Galatia17. Conservative interpreters are divided into four divisions, namely a) pastmillennial; animillennial; dispensational pre-emillennial; and historical premillennialb) postmillennial; amillennial; dispensational premillennial; and historical premillennialc) history premillennial, millennial; amillennial and dispensational premillennial18. Different viewpoints about eschatology are:a) In That History, Of all History, Above Historyb) a) In That History, About that History, Above Historyc) On That History, Of all History, Below History19. "For the Lord has sworn [of Christ], you are a priest forever after the order of Melchisedec" is found ina) Malachi 5:1b) Gen 36:12c) Heb 7:1720. Nine events associated with the last days are: a) Return of Christ, Dead, Living are Judged, Christ Rules, Angry Nations, God’s Wrath, Dead Judged, Rewards Given and Sinners Destroyedb) Return of God, Dead, Living are Changed, God Rules, Angry Nations, Jesus’ Wrath, Dead Judged, Rewards Given and Sinners Alivec) Return of Christ, Dead Raised, Living are Changed, Christ Rules, Angry Nations, God’s Wrath, Dead Judged, Rewards Given and Sinners DestroyedSECTION B – THEORYAnswer question ONE and TWO from the rest questions. ((Answer ONLY THREE questions from this section – Question 1 is compulsory)1. Explain briefly what you understand by the word “Eschatology”2. List and briefly describe events associated with the Last Days3. Name the key concept of the following (a) The second coming of Christ (b) The millennium (c ) The rapture (d) The tribulation (e) The great white throne judgment4. Briefly explain any five (5) from the following a) Return Of Christ b) Dead Raised c) Living Are Changed d) Christ e) Angry Nations God's Wrath f) Dead g) Rewards Given h) Sinners Destroyed 5. Write out 5 scriptures that speak about Jesus second coming with explanation.Email *Attestation *Please tickI ATTEST THAT THE ABOVE QUESTIONS WERE DULY ANSWERED BY ME AND I SHOULD BE SCORED BASED ON THE ANSWERS PROVIDED.SUBMIT