Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.ADMISSION NUMBER *PLEASE WRITE YOUR ADMISSION NUMBERLEVEL OF CERTIFICATION *BachelorPGDPlease select the level you are currently studying in CLICUCOURSE *DIGITAL SKILLS PROFESSIONAL STRATEGYPlease select your course of studySECTION A: OBJECTIVEPLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS1. Google is a search engine (a) No(b) Yes(c) No Idea2. PlusAfri Global is a digital marketing company (a) Yes(b) No(c) No Idea3. Digital Skills Strategy is good for local assembly(a) Yes(b) No(c) No Idea4. Banks mobile Apps shows more evidence of transfer than USSD (a) Never(b) Yes(c) No idea5. Another name for Internet is (a) Android(b) Digital(c) Oneline6. The current population of world’s internet users is estimated at(a) 8b(b) 5b(c) 3b7. Sophisticated phones are used to browse internet (a) No idea(b) Anyhow(c) Yes of course9. Username is the nametag given to a visitor or subscriber to access restricted areas in the web pages(a) Yes(b) It can’t be(c) No of course10. Nigerian government through Central Bank of Nigeria introduces ___________ to boost her currency(a) Cardless Policy(b) Cash-at-hand Policy(c) Cashless Policy6. The current population of Africa’s internet users is estimated at (a) 590m(b) 1.3b(c) 300m11. The Generation Z falls between age 15-35(a) Yes I know(b) No I know(c) Yes and No12. One is a good combination of social media handles(a) Wallet, Instagram, Telegram, Facebook(b) Android, Facebook, Tiktok, X(c) Instagram, WhatsApp Telegram, Facebook13. The following is a browser apps except (a) Firefox(b) Facebook(c) LinkedIn14. The following is a social media platform except(a) Facebook(b) Laptop(c) WhatsApp15. Statistics help in forecasting the future(a) I don’t know(b) I agree with you(c) I disagree with you16. Robots will take the place of many human beings in the nearest future (a) True(b) falsehood(c) True & False17. Sending messages through email is far faster and better than traditional posting of letter through Postmasters(a) No Postmaster is faster than email(b) Both email and postmasters have the same speed(c) Yes email is faster than postmaster18. When you know how to use digital devices you are called(a) Digital Literate(b) Digital Illterate(c) Digital Illustrator19. When speaking, it takes just 60 seconds for your listeners form an opinion(a) You are right(b) You are on your own(c) You are not with me19. When speaking, it takes just 60 seconds for your listeners form an opinion about you(a) You are right(b) You are on your own(c) You are not with me20. TikTok is the fastest growing social media platform with __________ of the total market percent (a) 40%(b) 65%(c) 25%SECTION B – THEORYAnswer question ONE and TWO from the rest questions. ((Answer just THREE questions from this section – Question #1 is compulsory1. (a) Is digitalization is a blessing or curse to the church? Briefly explain.(b) State 5 steps towards opening a new Wallet account via www.plusafri.com2. (a) Write short note on Digital Marketing Statistics(b) What do you understand by Digital Church?3. (a) Describe briefly marketing plan and its application to internet church(b) (i) What is the total population of the world?(b) (ii) What is the total population of Christians in the world(b) (iii) What is the total population of world's internet users(b) (iv) What is the total population of Africa's internet users(b) (v) Name two major devices used to browse internet in the 21st century4. Explain what you understand by the term Digital Skill Strategy?4b. Name and product and explain in details how you wish to launch the brand into the world of digitalization5a. What is digital revolution5b. What is digital gap5c. Name 5 ways by which church can use social media handles to reach the unbelieversEmail *Attestation *Please tickI ATTEST THAT THE ABOVE QUESTIONS WERE DULY ANSWERED BY ME AND I SHOULD BE SCORED BASED ON THE ANSWERS PROVIDED.SUBMIT