Practical Oriented

Cost Effectiveness

Digital Skills
Made Easy

At Chosen Life Christian University, Digital Skills is made compulsory for all our students.  In the digital age, all Christian leaders must learn how to maximize information technology to preach the Gospel of Christ to the world. 

Chosen Life Christian University in affiliation with digital skills giant – PlusAfri Global Network through her school arm, PlusAfri Institute of Digital Skills is offering the best digital skills course to all her students.  This collaboration has seen our students through practicality of what digital skills professional should be.  All courses that meet today’s employer’s expectations are inculcated into this course. Our students stand above their competitors in the labour market due to well-equipped skills earned in the course of their studentship.

Digital Skills Professionalism

Chosen Life Christian University in affiliation with PlusAfri Global Network - PlusAfri Institute of Digital Skills - has come up with strategic digital skills courses which aim at integrating our students with the Internet world.  All students are made compulsory to undergo practical training on computing and digital skill related courses. The world has gone beyond 4-wall ministry or business environment.  In the days of Internet, there is no geographical distance. The world has gradually become a global village.  The church of Christ should not be left behind in using in inculcating Digital Skills to advance the Gospel of Christ.  Preaching Christ by all means using available media platforms.  In the few years to come Artificial Intelligence (AI) would be fully automated and that would usher in robotic age.  Robotic Age is an age where lifeless driven technology would take over all spheres of life as if they are real human beings. Technology like robots, driverless cars, preacher-less pulpits, etc would have taken over many major cities of the world.  The church must be well prepared and not be caught unaware in maximizing the potentials that Internet brings to the world.  Once you are compliant with digital age, getting used to robotic age becomes easier. This singular feature has stood out our University from the rest Christian Higher Institutions and had given us edge over others.  No wonder, our graduands are sought after Christian educators, administrators, practitioners and consultants in the world.  When it comes to practical operation of Digital Skills, they are among the best.  This is another reason why individuals, corporate organizations and governments have chosen our University as the last resort for training potential Christian leaders, Theologians, Seminarians and Church Administrators. Welcome to the world of computerizing and digitalizing Christian educators, administrators and practitioners.